Game Drives in the South Luangwa
The South Luangwa is a park which changes dramatically with the seasons. Only a small slice of the park, the Mfuwe area, is accessible year-round. For the entirety of the rainy season the area of the 'bush camps' is only accessible on foot or by boat. During this period game drives focus on the more permanent tracks through the bush - still a vast area to explore and one of the most densely populated areas of wildlife in Africa.
Guides use their vehicles as an important tool to enable them to give you the best experience possible. Often a means of access, the vehicle can get you to remote areas of the park quickly and comfortably. Carrying water, food, camera equipment and anything else you can think of it is often the base from which to head off on foot.
All vehicles operating from lodges that Scott Dunn recommend are adapted for safari: comfortable rows of seats, canvas roof shades, drop down windscreens are all intended to give you the best experience of the bush possible.