No trip to Iceland would be complete without seeing Iceland’s most famous trio of natural attractions known affectionately as the Golden Circle; Gullfoss, Geysir and Thingvellir National Park, with a private guide.

Geysir is one of the most impressive hot spring areas of Iceland; where bubbling mud pools meet steaming hot streams, and the geyser Strokkur erupts a tower of boiling water to a height of 30 metres!

Next, on to Gullfoss, to witness spectacular white water cascading down a 32 metre drop into an impressive canyon. Summer days can produce beautiful rainbows through the misty air, and winter is equally as dramatic as part of the waterfall freezes over.

Thingvellir National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the only place in the world where tectonic plates are visible above sea level. It was here that in 930AD the oldest parliamentary institution in the world met until 1799. Your experienced guide will talk you through these key sights and give you an amazing insight into the natural phenomena as well as the history of the area.

Call us on 020 3993 6439 to start planning your holiday

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