Lake Titicaca Tours

The mighty Lake Titicaca straddles the border of Bolivia and Peru and is the world’s highest navigable lake, at 3,830m above sea level. The snow-capped Andes, often cloaked in an ethereal mist, are a spectacular backdrop against the electric blue waters.

Lake Titicaca

The Andean people refer to the lake as "The Sacred Lake" and legend has it that the first Inca rose from its depths and went out to found the Inca Empire. Lake Titicaca is dotted with dozens of islands waiting to be explored. The best known include the man-made floating reed islands of the Uro Indians and Taquile, home to spectacular pre-Inca ruins where traditional beliefs and ways of life still predominate. You get to Lake Titicaca on the Peruvian side from Puno, Peru’s folkloric centre and altiplano capital. The spectacular journey from Puno to La Paz (Bolivia), can be done in a day by catamaran, or you can savour the experience by spending the night on Sun Island on Lake Titicaca.


"An unusual part of Peru is Lake Titicaca. This is off the beaten path, not something that everyone does when they go to Peru. You can go by flight or by taking a 10 hour train. Taking the train is a very different experience that allows you to really see the full landscape of Peru. The hotel Titilaka is an experience in itself and the best way to experience the lake. Here you can have a unique and non touristic tour of the floating islands. This is where locals have created their own pieces of land using piled up reeds right on the lake! As they are constantly floating they must add in reeds monthly to stay afloat. "
Julie Norton, Travel Specialist