Oaxaca and Chiapas

Colourful indigenous markets, delicious food and exquisite colonial churches define Oaxaca, a town where ancient tradition has a strong presence. Wander through the narrow winding streets or head out of town and visit awe-inspiring ancient ruins. Chiapas, Mexico's southernmost state, is brimming with natural wonders; explore Mayan ruins shrouded in rich jungle and beautifully rugged canyons.

Oaxaca and Chiapas

At the centre of Mexico’s indigenous heartland lies the picturesque town of San Cristobal de las Casas, a charming blend of colonial architecture and indigenous culture. Its surroundings include the mighty 800m deep Sumidero Canyon; the Lacandon Jungle, one of the largest areas of tropical rainforest in Mexico; the Agua Azul waterfalls with their startling turquoise pools and Palenque, arguably the most beautiful of all the ancient Mayan ruins in its exotic jungle setting.

Where to go in Oaxaca and Chiapas

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