Set deep in the heart of national parkland, the Trust's Orphans’ Project is a world-renowned elephant and rhino rescue and rehabilitation program. To date, over 200 infant elephants have been hand-raised and successfully returned to the wild herds of Tsavo National Park.

When you visit the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust between 11am-12pm at milk feeding time, you have the chance to observe some of Kenya’s orphaned elephants, now ambassadors for their species, to hear their stories and learn about the challenges faced by elephants and the people who live alongside them. 

Why not foster an orphan elephant? It’s a great gift for any elephant lover in your life and a way to ensure your support continues even when you return home. 

This activity is a donation to the project and is therefore payable direct upon arrival where you have the option for a noon or afternoon visit. Please note, all guests visiting the Nairobi Elephant Orphanage are required to pay Nairobi National Park fees in addition to the entrance fee to the orphanage.

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