Discover unique archaeological sights in  Los Flamencos National Reserve - a nature reserve located in the commune of San Pedro de Atacama. The full day tour begins in the south of the Atacama Salt Flat, passing through the towns of Toconao and Socaire, and towards the Chaxa Lagoon. The lagoon is divided into several lakes, where salt crusts are especially abundant, and diverse communities of flamingoes inhabit. The next stop is the Antiplantic Lagoons - made up of the Miscanti and Miñiques lagoons, situated in the foothills of Cerro Miscanti and the Miñiques Volcano, which are home to a variety of birds and wildlife. Then you head towards Piedras Rojas, an impressive rock formation located in the Aguas Calientes Salt Flats, which offers a fascinating red-coloured landscape. You can take a walk along paths that reach to the shores of the Salar, and find opportunities to take photographs of the salt flats. Lunch will be served en route back to San Pedro de Atacama while you marvel at the landscapes of the antiplano.

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