Boutique Luxury

Hotel de Sal Luna Salada

Located on the eastern shores of the Salar de Uyuni, the Luna Salada is an extraordinary hotel constructed entirely from salt. Walls, floors, ceilings, furniture and even the beds are made of salt, and make for one of the world's most unusual hotels.

Salar de Uyuni & the Altiplano, Bolivia
Hotel de Sal Luna Salada

Boasting some of the most mesmerising views you’ll ever encounter, the Luna Salada is an award-winning hotel on the edge of Uyuni’s infinite salt pan, and if you are travelling the great high desert route through the Andes to Chile, or if you love photography and landscapes that humble you, staying here is a must. Each of Luna Salada’s thirty en-suite rooms is constructed from blocks of salt, even down to the chairs, tables and headboards. Rooms have a fireplace, plenty of blankets and hot water bottles to keep you warm in the sub-zero nights, while colourful woven rugs cover the salty floor which crunches surreally beneath your feet. Just waking up at Luna Salada is an incredible experience, as you open your curtains to an infinite and blinding white expanse.

Luna Salada’s ranch-style restaurant serves up rustic Bolivian cuisine, and the bar is a great place to sip a pisco sour and watch a miraculous sunset. There are also cosy sitting rooms where you can curl up in front of the fire.

Heading out for an adventure on foot or by 4WD, you will be able to discover bizarre hexagonal shapes that are formed as the salt dries in the sun, visit cactus-covered islands that seem to float above the salt, trek to 800-year-old Aymara fortresses and pre-Inca tombs that hold intact mummies inside, gasp at blood-red lakes swarming with shocking pink flamingos, and gaze up at the world’s clearest skies bursting with constellations and galaxies.

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