In the morning you will be welcomed by your captain and escorted to your private motor yacht. 
The trip to Mljet is a tribute to the mythical Greek hero and king of Ithaca, Odysseus. A local legend says that Odysseus had shipwrecked on the island of Mljet and was lured by the nymph Calypso into a cave where she held him hostage for 7 years.
Mljet island is a lush green paradise and home to a national park with miraculous sea lakes known for its beauty but also a unique eco system, including also one of Europe's largest coral reefs! Discover the treasures of the small islands in the middle of the sea lake on Mljet, with a Benedictine monastery of St. Mary from the 12th century. 
A visit to the Mljet National Park can really be anything you want it to be. It is a chance for an active family time, for romantic sailing and swimming, for overall leisure or nature exploring. The mesmeric greenery, the scent of pinewoods, crystal clear blue of the waters, Mljet is really the place for all kindred spirits to find their own piece of peace. Upon arrival on Mljet Island, your skipper will assist you with renting bikes and you will have some free time to explore the National Park on your own.

Call us on 212 660 0228 to start planning your holiday