Boutique Luxury

Naibor Camp

Naibor is a stylish and luxurious tented camp situated on the banks of the Talek River, in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. Naibor offers seven beautifully appointed safari tents with lovely views across the Talek River and a wonderful, relaxed ambience.

Maasai Mara, Kenya
Naibor Camp
  • Game drives over the Maasai Mara plains

  • Relax in a hammock on the banks of the Talek River listening to the hippos grunting below

  • Beautiful tented rooms

  • In a quiet area - very few vehicles and a lot of animals

Naibor is located within the Maasai Mara Game Reserve near the confluence of the famed Talek and Mara Rivers. Designer, Anthony Russell has successfully applied his contemporary style, with muted bush colours, spacious canvas tents with king-size fig-wood beds, soft cushions and wool rugs which all makes for a supremely comfortable experience. Each guest tent has a private shaded veranda, bush shower and lovely views of the surrounding bush and wildlife.

The main ‘mess’ tent overlooks the Talek River, where animals regularly come to drink, and squashy floor cushions, soft rugs and sofas are an inviting spot for a pre-dinner drink after an exciting game drive. Dinner is served either at private tables or as a shared banquet.

The main activity here is game viewing and guests can enjoy morning, all day or evening safaris. Bush meals and sundowners are also popular, and are often enjoyed in conjunction with a game drive. The “Out of Africa” style bush meals are set up for any number of people in a private exclusive location. Bush breakfasts and packed lunches can all be arranged. Sundowner cocktails are a popular way to enjoy the end of the day.

Naibor is perfectly located for those who hope to experience the wonder of the wildebeest migration. There is fabulous wildlife viewing throughout the year, and from July to November the annual wildebeest migration passes through this area. Naibor is ideally located close to all the major wildebeest crossing sites over the Mara River.

When to visit

  • J
  • F
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  • A
  • M
  • J
  • J
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  • O
  • N
  • D
Best time to visit
Good time to visit
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Top tip:

Pedro's gin and tonics at sunset are unbeatable!

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Maasai Mara, Kenya

Naibor Camp is hidden in the riverine woodland of the Talek River about 2km from the point where it flows into the Mara River, just about the very heart of the Mara Game Reserve.

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