Top 10 treks

Trek to the base of Everest, journey from the Andes to the sacred Machu Picchu or explore Morocco’s stunning Atlas Mountains.

Top 10 treks

Ignite your sense of adventure with a fabulous trek to one of our favourites below. From a week spent trekking to the base of Everest, a journey from the Andes to the sacred Machu Picchu or for those who just want a taste of adventure why not try a day out in Morocco’s stunning Atlas Mountains.

Chimp trekking in western Tanzania

Explore the far west of Tanzania to and explore Katavi National park to see chimps in their natural habitat. The park is a wildlife lovers dream with herds of buffalo, crocodiles and an array of rare birds. Take daily treks from Greystoke Mahale to see chimpanzees in the wild and stay on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.

Oxygen Jungle Villa, Costa Rica
Chirripo climb, Costa Rica

Climb Costa Rica's highest peak on a three-day trek through tropical forest past stunning glacial lakes and amazing rock formations to be rewarded with views of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This great adventure combines perfectly with some relaxation on the coast, and Oxygen Jungle Villas is a gorgeous property offering an infinity pool, magical ocean views and whale watching.

Everest Base Camp

To many, the trek to Everest is a life-long ambition; to walk to the base of the highest mountain in the world and stand in awe at its size and majesty. For those daunted by the adventure, we try to make things easier for you such as using luxury lodges, having a guide who has climbed Everest and finally the possibility to fly back to Kathmandu on a helicopter rather than trekking out saving you a week of walking back along the same route you came.

Gorilla Safari
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Use the magnificent Virunga Safari Lodge, as a base to trek for the elusive Mountain Gorilla. The lodge set on a stunning hillside, with a panoramic view of the Virunga volcanoes and the lakes Ruhondo and Bulera. Aside from gorilla tracking, guests can climb a volcano, track the golden monkey, visit Diane Fossey's grave or go for gentle strolls around the picturesque villages near the lakes. New gorilla permits have just been released for gorilla trekking in Rwanda's Virunga National Park during August and September.

Machu Picchu
Mountain Lodges of Peru

A spellbinding lodge-to-lodge trek through the Andes to Machu Picchu, this incredible adventure takes you along the Salkantay Trail across high passes, through verdant cloudforest and remarkable mountain scenery on your way to the great Inca citadel. See condors overhead, interact with traditional communities and relax with great food, hot tubs and luxury beds at the end of the day.

Robin Pope Walking Safari
Robin Pope Mobile safari in Zambia

The legendary Robin Pope Safaris walking mobile is a set departure trip led by expert guides, and exploring some of the remotest and most game-rich areas in the South Luangwa. The camp is moveable, enabling guests to explore different areas on foot and then return to a superbly cooked dinner under the stars each evening.

Shakti, Himalaya
Shakti Sikkim

Head into an area of the Himalaya which in completely untouched, staying each night in a remote village house that has been carefully brought up to western expectations. So few people walk through this area each year that you get a completely authentic interaction with the local communities; and you are right underneath the third highest mountain in the world.

Atlas Mountains, Morocco
The Atlas Mountains

Located just an hour's drive from the Marrakech, the Atlas Mountains are hugely accessible for a short escape into the hills. Pass local Berber villages which perch right underneath Mt Toubkal. Stay in the Kasbah De Toubkal and their nearby trekking lodge for the perfect mix of adventure and comfort.

routeburn new zealand
The Routeburn Track, South Island, New Zealand

The Routeburn Track is a 3 day guided trek starting and ending in Queenstown and is a great alternative to the perennially popular Milford Track. Pass through two national parks, Fiordland and Mount Aspiring, part of Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand World Heritage Area. The area is a haven for native birdlife and the variety of landscapes will astound: mountainous peaks; pristine lakes; cascading waterfalls; luxuriant forest; turquoise rivers and million dollar views.

Amanfayun Temple, China
Trek around the seven temples at Amanfayun, China

During a stay at the luxurious Amanfayun, spend a day trekking around the seven temples where you will see fantastic views across hills and valleys to tea fields and the West Lake. Visit Lingyin Si, one of the ten most important temples in China that houses the largest sitting Buddha at 24.8 metres high and Yongfu Si, one of the prettiest temples located in the forest with wonderful gardens.