Walking safari from Lamai

Lamai is one of very few camps in the Serengeti which is permitted to offer walking safaris. This is a superb way to explore this rugged area, setting off on foot from the camp in the morning light.

Walking safari from Lamai

Follow your expert guide as you head down the kopje hill where the camp is perched, stopping to take in the ever changing views. A walking safari is about taking it slowly, breathing in the smells of the bush, listening to the bird calls and watching as a family of warthogs trot away and then halt, tails raised like antennae, trying to identify who is walking their way. You may come across a tower of giraffes, appreciating their stature in a way that is impossible from a safari vehicle. While a walk is not all about spotting big game, it can be the most memorable part of your safari as you become part of the landscape you are exploring.

Call us on 212 660 0228 to start planning your holiday