Thailand Festivals

Thailand's festivals are a hive of activity so it's definitely worth trying to visit the country while one of these festivals is going on.

Thailand festivals
1st Jan

New Year’s Day

Throughout Thailand
10th February

Magha PujaLikely Day

Throughout Thailand
6th April

Chakri Memorial Day

Throughout Thailand
13th- 15th April

Songkran Day

Throughout Thailand
1st May

National Labour Day

Throughout Thailand
5th May

Coronation Day

Throughout Thailand
6th May

VisakLikely Day

Throughout Thailand
3rd June

H.M. Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana's Birthday

Throughout Thailand
6th July

Asalha PujaLikely

Throughout Thailand
6th July

Beginning of Vassa

Throughout Thailand
12th August

H.M. The Queen’s Birthday Anniversary

Throughout Thailand
23rd October

Chulalongkorn Memorial Day

Throughout Thailand
26th October

Royal cremation of King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Throughout Thailand
7th December

Father's Day

Throughout Thailand
7th December

H.M. The King’s Birthday

Throughout Thailand
10th December

Constitution Day

Throughout Thailand
31st December

Countdown to New Year Festival

Throughout Thailand

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