Forgotten Trails of Kuala Lumpur City

Kuala Lumpur is often regarded as very much a contemporary city, with modern streets and towering skyscrapers. This tour aims to go behind the scenes, and explore more of the local life within Malaysia's capital.

Forgotten Trails of Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is a melting pot of varying nationalities and heritages, and this is a great opportunity to experience some of these different cultures.

Kampung Baru is a village-like area in downtown Kuala Lumpur. Take a stroll here to see the traditional Malay houses and the plethora of street food stalls. We suggest stopping to try some local Malay sweets or cakes before continuing your journey.

Venture into the wet Chow Kit market, where you can see locals haggling, with stalls ranging from meat and seafood to fruit and flowers, run by Chinese, Malay, and Indian traders.

Walk through Little India, where you can enjoy the brightly colored jewelry and saree shopfronts. You can also visit the beautiful Masjid Jamek Mosque. Continue to embrace the city's eclectic culture and history with visits to Indian and Chinese temples in Chinatown. Your tour will finish with a visit to the Old China Cafe for a delicious lunch.

The total tour time is around five hours. Lunch is payable locally.

Call us on 212 660 0228 to start planning your holiday