Singapore Office

Lucien Lau

I believe that travel broadens our horizons and allows one to be completely immersed in a different world, a great way to escape the pulls and pushes of daily life for awhile - like a wonderful reset button. I also believe that it means something different and unique to each of us.

Lucien Lau

Some of my most cherished travel memories include befriending a moray eel while I was diving in the Maldives and experiencing an overwhelming sense of serenity as I gazed up to a sky full of stars while lying on a huge pile of snow in the U.S. Travel to me is all about expanding perspectives as it helps to open up your mind and see things from different angles. It also gives you the opportunity to slow down and learn more about yourself. I've got a number of things on my travel bucket list which includes catching the Northern Lights in Europe, staying in a yurt with a local Mongolian family, partaking in the Shoton Festival in Tibet and to visit the world's first carbon negative country, Bhutan!

Favourite places I've been

My hot picks

My top tips

  • Travelling through Japan on a bullet train? Grab an Ekiben (railway bento) before boarding. These delightful boxes are packed with delicious, high-quality meals made with locally sourced ingredients that reflect the local region.

  • From kayaking along the Mekong to spot the rare and endangered Irrawaddy Dolphins to watching the local fisherman artistically throw their fishing nets out during the magical sunsets, Laos is an often over-looked nearby destination in S.E Asia.

  • My Maldives suntan stayed with me for nearly a year, so I highly recommend packing a sunscreen with a high SPF count for your Maldives trip. 

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