Queen Elizabeth National Park

One of the most popular National Parks in Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park dominates the south-west corner of the country. Bordered by the Rwenzori Mountains and Lake Edward, the park contains a wide variety of terrains, from the wetlands of the north to the remote, dry south. This allows for a scenic landscape abundant with a diverse wildlife.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is split in two by the Kazinga Channel, which offers fantastic scenery for a boat trip, and the opportunity to see hippos lazing in the water and animals drinking at the banks. North of the water, visitors will find salt flats, savannah, and impressive crater lakes playing host to flocks of flamingo. In Ishasha, in the south, the land dries out and the woodland in this remote area is renowned for its famous tree-climbing lions. The wildlife throughout the park is fantastic, and visitors will have the opportunity to spot elephant, buffalo, Ugandan kob, and over 600 species of bird.