Best Time to Visit Cambodia
The best time to visit Cambodia is the dry season, which runs from November to April. At this time of year, the days are warm and sunny, ideal for sightseeing. November to February is a nice time to travel, when temperatures tend to stay fairly comfortable. March and April are very popular, but the days do get very hot and you’ll need to be up early, exploring before the heat of the day.
From May to October is the wet season, with September tending to be the peak of the monsoon. At this time of year, dramatic skies cast a beautiful light on the iconic temple complex of Angkor, making it a popular time of year with photographers. It rarely rains for more than two or three hours at a time and there is still a good chance of sun each day. If you’re not deterred by the rain, these months can be a good time to travel to experience fewer crowds and lower prices.
Monthly Climate Guide for Cambodia
, Cambodia
Average temperatures (Fahrenheit) and rainfall (mm)
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