Enjoy a chance to delve into Isabela’s history on a trip that takes in the Wall of Tears, known as the Muro de Las Lagrimas. Constructed by prisoners during the 1940s and 50s, when the island was a penal colony, the convicts worked under appalling conditions. Each brick was chiselled by hand from black lava blocks in sweltering heat, and many lost their lives during its construction. The fact that the wall served no purpose added to the misery. 
The wall is just 5km from Puerto Villamil and you can choose to walk or cycle the tour, which also takes in plenty of glorious ocean lookouts, secluded sandy beaches and mangrove forests. The area is home to the giant tortoise, flamingo, lava lizard, Darwin finches, Galapagos mockingbirds and marine iguanas, so come prepared for wildlife encounters

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