
This wild and beautiful part of Namibia will capture your imagination. It is also home to an impressive bird population so make sure you have your camera at the ready!

1 - 5 of 5 Tour Ideas
9 nights
Ultimate Botswana

Ultimate Botswana

Okavango Delta, Linyanti & Makgadikgadi Pans

Botswana has long been known to offer the ultimate safari experience. This stunning itinerary does just that, showcasing some of Botswana’s most luxurious lodges in incredible game viewing areas while offering top-notch service along the way. This, along with the beautiful scenery of the Linyanti, the unique eco-system of the Moremi and the...

Adventure Couples Wildlife Off the beaten track

$29,800 pp

9 nights
Ultimate South Africa

Ultimate South Africa

Kalahari Reserve, Cape Town & Winelands

Savor the finer things on this exclusive tour of South Africa’s most select properties. Traverse the vast wilds of the Kalahari with a private guide, seeking the famed black maned lions that rule this kingdom. Slip into sophistication in Cape Town, where culture and history blend with African spice for an intoxicating stay. We’ve peppered this...

$14,200 pp

9 nights
Family Fun in Botswana

Family Fun in Botswana

Makgadikgadi Pans, Linyanti & Victoria Falls

This thrill seekers safari through Botswana is perfect for families with teenagers. With activities galore, the whole family will get out and about on an active exploration of some of the most incredible and scenic areas that Botswana has to offer. Watch wildlife from a game vehicle or on foot and gallop on horseback through the beautifully eerie...

Adventure Off the beaten track Riding Couples

$13,900 pp

10 nights
Botswana Riding Safari

Botswana Riding Safari


Gallop into the wild on this journey across Botswana’s wildernesses. A riding safari boasts encounters that cannot be had on foot or by vehicle. Watch elephants ford the waterways of the Okavango, unnoticed on horseback. Admire the sweeping desert and endless views of the Kalahari as you traverse the grasslands of Botswana’s deserts. For riders,...

Adventure Off the beaten track Riding Wildlife

$13,900 pp

19 nights
Namibia Mobile Safari

Namibia Mobile Safari

Kalahari, NamibRand, Swakopmund, Damaraland, Etosha & Central Highlands

Immerse yourself in the epic wildernesses of Namibia, where your only neighbors are the desert elephants wandering in the distance. Break away from the norm on this journey to some of the most remote camps in Africa, where few tred. Meet with bushmen in the rolling Kalahari, watch the blazing Milky Way in the NamibRand Desert before leaving the map...

Adventure Off the beaten track Couples Wildlife

$13,200 pp

1 - 5 of 5 Tour Ideas
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