The Great Migration

Africa's supreme wildlife spectacle, the wildebeest migration is the story of three million animals’ relentless journey across the Maasai Mara and the Serengeti. This is nature at its visceral best.

Great Migration

As sensory overloads go, there’s little to match Africa's wildebeest migrations. The constant noise, the dust in the air, the smell of hundreds of thousands of animals on the move. You can quite literally feel the earth vibrating through the soles of your feet, see water trembling in your glass. Periods of calm erupt without warning into extreme tension as the wildebeest travel in search of life-giving water and fresh green grass.

Wildebeest Migration map
1 - 5 of 5 Tour Ideas
8 nights
Extraordinary Tanzania

Extraordinary Tanzania

Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti

Let us take you on an extraordinary journey through northern Tanzania, where you’ll witness spellbinding landscapes and encounter astonishing wildlife throughout your trip. We’ve hand selected some of the most highly regarded luxury camps in the country, to make sure every aspect of the trip promises unparalleled experiences, expert guiding and...

Adventure Couples Wildlife

SGD $14,900 pp

10 nights
Ultimate Kenya

Ultimate Kenya

Laikipia, Masai Mara & Nairobi

Astonishing wildlife, limitless landscapes and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. This guided tour in Kenya is a sensational combination for travellers who enjoy the finer things in life. We’ve hand-selected luxury camps and secured a stay at the world-famous Giraffe Manor so you can enjoy unparalleled memories coupled with seamless service.

Wildlife Couples Eco/ethical tourism

SGD $17,000 pp

8 nights
Exceptional Kenya and Tanzania

Exceptional Kenya and Tanzania

Maasai Mara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater

Discover the best of east Africa on this exciting safari itinerary, combining some of Kenya and Tanzania's finest national parks. Explore wide open savannah and endless grassy plains on game drives and walking safari. Our luxury Kenya safari tours are topped off with the very best lodges and safari camps for you to rest your head.

Wildlife Adventure Couples Off the beaten track

SGD $17,900 pp

12 nights
Limitless Kenya and Seychelles

Limitless Kenya and Seychelles

Maasai Mara, Kenya & Mahe, Seychelles

Delve into this jaw-dropping adventure through Kenya’s unique landscape with indulgent experiences. Thanks to incredible game viewing at Angama Mara and accommodation at the stunning family home of Arijiju, you'll have the perfect set-up for a "big five" adventure. Your luxury stay finishes on the opulent Desroches Island in the Seychelles.

Beach Wildlife Adventure Couples
6 nights
Limitless Tanzania and Rwanda

Limitless Tanzania and Rwanda

Serengeti & Volcanoes National Park

Visit the sprawling plains of the Serengeti and come face to face with a curious mountain gorilla, all the while enjoying the full Singita Experience. Singita is never your average safari camp. Well known for impeccable service, exquisite detail and stunning furnishings, this combination is the perfect option for those looking to travel in ultimate...


SGD $32,500 pp

1 - 5 of 5 Tour Ideas
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