
Framing the golden beaches of the Caribbean coast, the Tortuguero National Park covers both rainforest and marine habitat with an exceptional diversity of flora and fauna flourishing in its protected environment. Accessed only by boat or plane, the park’s iguanas, poison dart frogs, sloth and howler monkeys thrive in the verdant jungle while green sea turtles can be seen from July to October.


Paddling through the waterways and swamps affords the opportunity to glide past cormorants, herons and lazing crocodiles, while overhead the shriek of the howler monkey pierces the silence of the rainforest.


1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
13 nights
Epic Costa Rica

Epic Costa Rica

Central Valley, Tortuguero, Puerto Viejo, Pacuare, San Jose

Famed for its amazing wildlife, adrenaline-inducing activities and gorgeous beaches, Costa Rica makes for tropical tour vacations packed with unforgettable moments. See monkeys, sloths and turtles, learn to surf, kayak through the jungle, cycle along the palm-fringed coast, and sip cocktails while enjoying the most spectacular sunsets.

Beach Couples Eco/ethical tourism Wildlife

$8,000 pp

15 nights
Wild Costa Rica and Ecuador

Wild Costa Rica and Ecuador

Costa Rica

Experience amazing wildlife encounters with creatures in their natural habitat. This breathtaking luxury tour blends local knowledge with elegant accommodation. Take in the flora and fauna of Costa Rica and Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands. Dive into the wilderness and get up close and personal with the most introverted members of the animal kingdom.

$17,200 pp

10 nights
Costa Rica with Kids

Costa Rica with Kids

Central Valley, Tortuguero, Arenal & Papagayo

Share an adventure with family on a luxury Costa Rica tour. Wander through diverse landscapes and take in wonderful wildlife, majestic volcanoes and beautiful beaches. Enjoy adventurous activities suitable for everyone, from lagoon boat trips to canopy walks, before finishing up with a splash of relaxation on the sun-kissed Pacific coast.

Adventure Wildlife Beach Eco/ethical tourism

$5,400 pp

10 nights
Wild Costa Rica

Wild Costa Rica

Central Valley, Tortuguero, Osa Peninsula & Manuel Antonio

Travel from coast to coast and explore Costa Rica’s rich natural highlights on this luxury tour. Stay at charming hotels in spectacular surroundings and enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, like going off the beaten track to spot local wildlife. Finish off by unwinding at a boutique hillside retreat that shares a beach with iguanas and monkeys

Adventure Eco/ethical tourism Wildlife Beach

$6,800 pp

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
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