Geneva City Holidays

Geneva feels like a city of the world, where every language can be heard and workers of the United Nations, the WHO and the World Bank mill around the cafes and restaurants on their lunch breaks. Enduringly cosmopolitan, Geneva is a chic, elegant city, both in design and people, with pavement cafes, trendy bars and stylish boutiques on every corner.

Geneva City

Set around the peaceful waters of Lake Geneva, this is a city that invites you to take slow lakeside walks, pause for coffee in leafy plazas, meditate in the serenity of St Peter’s Cathedral and soak in the tranquil ambience.

Plan your trip

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When would you like to go?

Please select Enter your departure date
Please select Year*

Where would you like to go?

Please select your interest Select your interest

How many nights?

How many nights? Drag the slider to select nights
0 21 nights +


Number of adults (aged 12+). Minimum 1 adult  
Adults (age 15+)
Children (age 0-15)

Select your budget per person

Select your budget per person

Contact details

Your Given name Given name*
Your Family name Family name*
Please enter your email address Email address*
Please enter your phone number Phone number*
Tell us about your trip
Let us know if you have fixed dates, who you’re travelling with or if it’s for a special ocassion
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