The morning kicks off in the heart of the City in the Company’s Gardens, originally created in the 1650s by the first European settlers to grow fresh produce to replenish ships rounding the Cape. Your speciality guide will take you through the garden, sharing the Cape’s interesting cultural and culinary influences. The fresh air is bound to get tummies rumbling, and from here it is a short drive across the city to the vibrant neighbourhood of Woodstock. If you had to describe Woodstock in three words, it would be: cool, alive and arty. One of Cape Town’s oldest suburbs, this previous industrial area is still home to many of city’s factories and bargain clothing outlets, interspersed with trendy street-side coffee shops, hipster restaurants, collective hangouts and artist’s studios. The foundries and loft-like spaces are abuzz with activity and home to independent producers, creative's and artisans.

After a coffee tasting at a very cool little coffee joint and one of the many exceptional roasters in the area, it is time to head to a local brewery for a craft beer tasting. At present, there are over 60 microbrewers around the country turning hops, malt, yeast and water into a mind-boggling array of beers. There are pale ales, alt biers, stouts, Pilsners, barrel-aged beers, smoked malt beers, and beers made using fruit, herbs, spices, honey, wild yeast and more, to savour amidst the rich aromas of malt, hops and yeast.

A visit to Africa’s first bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturer, is next on the cards to meet the people obsessed with chocolate and to sample delectable, hand-crafted treats! Feeling fully gratified, it is time to return to the city to walk the streets. Biltong is synonymous with South Africa and a staple in many homes. The next stop is a local meat merchant, because what would a South African foodie tour be, without a spot of biltong? There’s no rest for the wicked (or hungry) and the Bo-Kaap, an area formerly known as the Malay Quarter is next on the cards. A visit to the area is not complete without trying the delights of the Cape’s Eastern traditions, including samosas, koesisters and spices. After the Bo-Kaap’s sensory overload, you will end your tour on Bree Street, the hippest street in Cape Town where you will find a hive of artisanal activity. As one of the main arteries of the city, this street is building a reputation as the retail, culinary and design centre in the centre of town. A glorious yellow exterior announces that you’ve arrived at Bree Street’s cheese HQ.

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