After departing the city, stop for hot drink, scenic views, and some local shark stories. Then travel south towards Kalk Bay and discover this charming working fishing village.  As you move down the coast towards Simon's town, discover the rouge penguin colonies away from the crowds of Boulders Beach. For those willing have a go at stand-up paddle boarding to get a different perspective of these inquisitive creatures. All penguined-out continue down to the Cape Point, where you will go in search of the Cape 5 (Ostrich, Baboons, Mountain Zebra, Bontebok and Tortoise) and wander along hiking trails which lead through indigenous fynbos, past hidden coves and rocky beaches. Learn about the shipwrecks on this coastline – keeping an eye out for lost treasure – and head up the funicular to the Cape Point Lighthouse, for an incredible panoramic view over the ocean, and back along the seaboard. On your return trip, taste the homemade ice cream at a local farm village, and head to the beach, or stop at an old fort lookout for magical views

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