New York

New York, New York: one of those must-see cities. Synonymous with American style and the coolest culture, The Big Apple has a buzz unlike anywhere else in the world. From shopping on 5th Avenue to strolling through Central Park, taking in a musical on Broadway or a baseball game at Yankee Stadium, see some of the world’s great art collections and ice skate on the Rockefeller Plaza.

New York

Enjoy a free summer concert in Central Park, shop for cutting-edge designs in SoHo, take in a Broadway show or a baseball game at Yankee Stadium, see some of the world’s great art collections and ice skate on the Rockefeller Plaza. Whether your thing is knishes or molecular cuisine, opera at the Met or punk in The Village, the best martini or simply a great cream soda, we know the best clubs, restaurants, diners, delis and bars to enjoy yourself whatever your age. If you tire of the ceaseless buzz and need to escape the city, we can help you do this. Pick a log cabin in upstate New York set among beautiful lakes and forests, or head out to the Long Island shore for long beach walks and Hamptons high society.

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Children (age 0-15)

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