Lion Sands offer guests three treehouses to choose from: Chalkley, Kingston and Tinyeleti. Each has its own story, and each offers something different, something to suit everyone. Chalkley is for couples only, it sits in an old Leadwood Tree above the open plain. There are no walls or roof here, just a mosquito net draped bed in the open air with the sights and sounds of the Sabi Sands all around. Tinyeleti is set on the banks of the Sabie River, an incredible location from which to enjoy your sundowners and private dinner as the animals move to drink below. Kingston is described as the champagne to Chalkley's 'red wine' and Tinyeleti's 'cocktail'. This treehouse is set in the tree tops, a glass wall surrounds the en-suite bathroom, the bed is covered by a screen above but retains open sides, ensuring nothing keeps you from maximising the experience of sleeping in your private suite in the middle of this wilderness.

Please note that due to their popularity reservations for the treehouses are essential, the use of them is weather-dependant and guests keep their rooms at the lodge for the night of their stay in the treehouse.

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