Discover Costa Rica’s most popular national park, Manuel Antonio, on this superb guided tour. Take a leisurely stroll with your expert naturalist guide through the bio-diverse tropical rain forest, which has been preserved for over 40 years.

Watch sloths and numerous species of monkeys travel through the tree canopy, hunt for nocturnal silky anteaters and several types of non-poisonous snakes, and listen to the songs of the various birds as they glide above. The variety of animal species is sure to impress, as is the diversity of flora and fauna you can observe in the span of a 2 ½ hour nature walk or hike. Stop as often as you like and enjoy some local fresh fruits and refreshments to keep you feeling energised. If you like, take additional hikes through the trails and enjoy unspoiled, uncrowded, pristine beaches after your guided adventure ends. Learn about the history of the Quepoa Indigenous People and Costa Rica’s history with regards to the Manuel Antonio area.

Please note that Manuel Antonio National Park is closed on Tuesday.

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