Xian & Around

Xian, the capital city of Shaanxi province, is a melting pot of history and culture. Discover the Terracotta Army, China’s subterranean archaeological masterpiece. Spend a day cycling the city walls and visit the Forest of Stelae Museum to marvel at Tang-era sculptures and Buddhist stone scriptures. In nearby Luoyang, explore the Longmen Grottoes, a treasure-trove of ancient Buddhist cave art.

Xian and around

Home to China’s legendary Terracotta Warriors, the multicultural city of Xian is rich with historical heritage.  Once the eastern terminus of the Silk Road, evidence of Xian’s merchant past is still alive today. Explore the Ming-era city walls, the Tang-style Big Goose Pagoda and the atmospheric streets of the Muslim Quarter for a street food feast. East of Xian lies Luoyang, the capital of the ancient 13 dynasties. Encircled by flood plains and mountain peaks, Luoyang is home to the sacred Buddhist carvings of the Longmen Grottoes.  Peony season begins in April, when the city turns technicolour with swathes of these vibrant blooms.


Where to go in Xian & Around

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
7 nights
Ultimate China

Ultimate China

Beijing, Xian, & Shanghai

This classic itinerary provides a brilliant introduction to China, from the almighty Great Wall of China to the fascinating Terracotta Army. During your trip you’ll visit all the key highlight destinations including Beijing, Xian, and Shanghai with private guiding throughout to ensure you make the most out of your adventure, uncovering the culture...

Culture Adventure

GBP £7,500 pp

9 nights
Epic China

Epic China

Beijing, Xian, Shanghai & Hong Kong

This epic itinerary offers an idyllic introduction to the country’s biggest draws and provides the perfect concoction of a cultural intake and spectacular scenery while staying at some of the most exclusive and stylish hotels in the in China.

Culture Couples Short Break

GBP £5,900 pp

11 nights
China with Kids

China with Kids

Beijing, Xian, Guilin & Shanghai

From ancient culture to buzzing cityscapes; dramatic scenery to intimate local villages China is the perfect destination for families. With plenty of adventure, mystery and culture this itinerary provides an educational adventure of a lifetime. With stops in Beijing, Xian, Guilin and Shanghai and plenty of unique and interesting activities thrown...

Culture Adventure

GBP £5,100 pp

11 nights
Family Fun in China

Family Fun in China

Beijing, Xian, Yangshuo & Shanghai

This epic adventure takes you through the highlights of China but with lots of cool and quirky experiences that are bound to keep everyone entertained, even tricky-to-please teenagers. Leading you from Beijing, Xian, Yangshuo and Shanghai the itinerary has a brilliant pace and something new around each corner.

Adventure Culture

GBP £5,300 pp

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
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